Friday, January 28, 2011

100th Day of School!

January 28, 2011, was the 100th Day of School at Seymour Elementary!  First graders celebrated with lots of fun activities.  First, students made and decorated festive "100" eye masks, counted 100 items, went on a "word" hunt and wrote 100 words, and made a 100 Fruit Loop necklace!  Students also drew themselves at age 100, using crinkled brown paper to show their wrinkles!  The 100th day of school was lots of fun!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

3rd Six Weeks Academic Pep Rally

On Thursday, January 6, 2011, students received awards at the Academic Pep Rally.  The pep rally's theme was New Year's Resolutions.  Students were encouraged to make resolutions as simple as making good grades,  making an effort not to be absent, or following the school's Sail discipline rules in the hallway, cafeteria, and classroom.  So far, the first grade is off to a great new year! 

Ephrian Lopez received the Student of the six weeks award  for the first grade.

Aubrey Ironshell received the Panther Pride Award for showing improvement for the 3rd 6 Weeks. 

Perfect Attendance winners for the 3rd 6 Weeks
Emily Novak, Ethan Gwinn, Rylan Smart, Teagan McMorris, and Landyn Reidy

Kyleigh Hernandez is congratulated by the SLT team on receiving her award.

Kyleigh Hernandez received a Panther Pride Award in PE and a DQ Super Reader Award.

Payton Kincy received a DQ Super Reader Award .

Gingerbread Man Cookie fun!

First grade had so much fun learning how to bake gingerbread man cookies!  We measured, mixed, baked, decorated, then ATE them! Yum, Yum!