Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa Claus is Town!

Santa and Mrs. Claus made a surprise visit to Seymour Elementary and visited with all the students!  What a joy to watch the excited, precious faces of all the children telling Santa what they wanted to find under the tree on Christmas morning.  Everyone stared in awe at the the jolly ole man and were thrilled to see him!  It was a great day!

Harlee wants a Pop the Pig, Zombieland, a swimming pool, and a laptop.

Jace wants a gun, video games, and a new TV.

Talon wants a Zombieland, a remote control helicopter, and an X Box 360.

Rachel wants a necklace, an ornament, and a baby doll.

AJ wants a guitar, PS2, and a gun.

Abby wants a Zombieland, a doll, and an X Box 360.

Jontai wants an X Box 360, a BB gun, A DSI, and an iPad. 

Mallory wants an iPad and a laptop.

Haylee wants a Barbie, a swimming pool, and a DSI.

Mariza wants an iPad, Zombieland, and a computer.

Blayson wants an X Box with controller, a Spiderman game, and a computer.

Trennity wants a laptop,  a phone, and an X Box 360.

Shaelyn wants an iPhone, X Box 360 with a ballerina game, and a Leapster.

Paul wants a DSI, a bike, a Gamecube with the game Weapon of Evil.

Avery wants a DSI, a bike, a computer, and a Baby Alive.

Gordon wants a DSI, a new bike, and a Spywatch.

Logan wants a BB gun, a Mario videogame, and some camouflage overalls.

Javontai & Jontai

Our class

Visiting with Santa and Mrs. Claus

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fa la la la la ....'Tis the Season!

The Christmas season has begun in first grade!  The students have been happily preparing for our big Christmas Music Program!  The performance will be on December 20, 2011, at noon in the elementary gym.  We hope to see lots of families and friends in the audience.  
Christmas also brings lots of art activities, decorated Christmas trees, and the countdown till Christmas.  It's a busy, but fun time!


















Our class

Classroom Christmas Tree

Reindeer try-outs!  These are so cute!  Each child followed a pattern, but they all turned out unique!  

Merry Christmas!