Saturday, September 22, 2012

2012-13 First last!

Hello to a brand new school year!  Mrs. Gregg's first graders are off to a great start! It has been a time of getting to know each other, learning our new schedule and routine, and having fun.  Our school wide theme this year is "Wild, Wild, West!" This is going to be a super year in first grade at Seymour Elementary!
















Friday, May 25, 2012

Fluttering Away to 2nd Grade!

Well, it's official, Mrs. Gregg's first graders are fluttering away to second grade!  The 2011-12 school year zoomed by quickly!  It was a great year and I wish them  all the best in second grade!

Mrs. Gregg's class sporting their butterfly "fluttering away" sunglasses

Future Second Graders!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

100th Day of School 2011-12

On the 100th Day of School, lots of counting and 100th Day activities took place.  The first graders had a good time counting to 100, counting 100 Fruit Loops and making a necklace, writing a 100 words, designing a pair of glasses, and even tried staying quiet for 100 seconds!  It was a fun day of celebrating our `100th day of school and being a 100 days smarter!

Water Day!

The Seymour PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) sponsored Water Day at Seymour Elementary on Friday, May 18.  Through various fundraisers throughout the school year, money was made to provide the water slides for this favorite and fun day!  Coach Davis organized fun field events to participate in before the water slides.  Everyone had an awesome time!  Thank you PTO for organizing this day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hoppy Easter!

 This year first grade held their Easter egg hunt on the school playground and had a great time!  Lots of colorful eggs were hidden and adorned the playground.  Excited students scrambled to find as many eggs as possible!  After a mad dash and hunting all the eggs in record time, cute Easter bunny cookies were eaten as well as  lots of the treats in the eggs.  Everyone had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect for our hunt.  

Heart bunnies our class made.

Heart bunnies

Heart bunnies
Heart bunnies



Still waiting...

Still waitiing....

Nearly time....

Finally....the mad dash to find eggs!

And they're off!!!

Hunting and finding eggs!

We were all excited to William at the Easter egg hunt.

Easter treats 

Cute bunny cookies made by Mrs. Warren.